
Master Jeweler-Gemologist-Metals Professor
My journey begins in my childhood when I heard people at a local plaza in my hometown of Quito, Ecuador talking
in a different language, that called my attention and made me wish I had that ability. I asked who they are and what they
do and one of the tourists who understood and spoke Spanish told me they were professional jewelers on holiday the
United States based in California. That day I started to dream about becoming a jeweler. My dream came true in my late
teens when I moved to California.
I went to the only Jewelers/Gemologists School at that time -- Gemologist Institute of America. Later I finished my degree in arts and jewelry design. I started working in different companies trying to gain experience, learning all about the trade, tricks and secrets of this great art. I moved to Michigan and worked for one of the most global and local, prestigious jewelers before opening my own establishment. Moving forward, technology has advanced to an incredible level and has facilitated both learning and jewelry making, and at the same time has forced us artisans to learn and live side by side with the technological advances in the industry. I have been teaching jewelry making, CAD designs for over 20 years with many accolades. This trade is the kind of art that requires passion, patience, knowledge and lots of love!